Monday, December 12, 2022


In our society today there is still this idea that woman can’t do what men do, especially in sports. In our documentary we wanted to break those standards and stereotypes put into place. Our documentary is about a high school’s hockey team with only two girls on the team, mainly focusing on the girls and how they feel being the only girls on the team. The idea behind this documentary is to inspire girls and motivate them to break those stereotypes to keep society changing.  

While planning for our documentary we had to review some other productions that would help us develop our overall idea of ours. Some of those productions include “Bend it like Beckham”, she’s the man” and “Battle of the sexes”. Every production we reviewed broke the stereotype that we are trying to address in our documentary piece. The movie “She’s the man” is all about how a girl had to dress like a man to play soccer because they didn’t believe that she could be so good being a girl. In our documentary we strive to make it known that a girl doesn’t need to hide her talents for a certain sport just because it is a sport mostly ran by men. The documentary conventions we decided to do was filming most of it handheld to keep the realism in our piece which really worked for us, the shots taken created a more realistic look and it kept the audience engaged, giving them the realistic look of how exactly the hockey team interact with the only girls on the team. From what we filmed you can see how the boys on the team accept the girls and treat them equally. Apart from that documentary convention we also used a voice over narration to progress the story, however, where we placed the voice over was not in the right place. What I mean by that is that it would have been better if the voice over narration would have been in the beginning instead of in the middle, almost in the end. Lastly, we used a montage convention to end the documentary, the montage was of Sasha, which is the main character of our piece, getting dressed for her game and that is the way the documentary ends. Nonetheless, once again we could have used this montage to start the documentary because it would have been a really nice way to start it off. 

Moreover, the target audience for our production is teenagers between the ages of 13-19, especially girls. We picked this to be our target audience because first, our documentary talks about the stereotypes of girls in sports which is why it is especially for girls so they could motivate themselves by watching our production to go out there and play those sports that people say are only for boys. The documentary is targeted at boys too because not only do the girls have to be the change but also the boys as well, and the age is pretty many teenagers because it is where the change should happen and since we didn’t make it for a higher audience. The comedy added to the production made it so that teenagers could enjoy the piece and understand the whole purpose of it. I think one of our strengths was the way we made the documentary fit our target audience. The funny bits we added and the way we made it lighthearted, and fun made it enjoyable for the specific target audience 

Our production is a representation of woman in sports and how much they are misrepresented in the media and sport world. The whole documentary is an example of women in sports and how they are treated since the whole purpose and theme of the documentary was to show representation of woman in sports. To grow awareness that as woman we still can participate in sports meditated by men and still be treated equally. In our piece we show how the boys hockey team interact with the only two girls on the team and they’re accepting, welcoming, and protecting towards these two girls. The whole purpose of our documentary was to show an example of how women should be treated in sports media, these two girls don’t let their talent hide because they're the only two on the team, instead, their team builds them up despite their different gender.  

To finish this reflection, I thought in our documentary there were many things done right such as the type of shots we did and the b-roll added, the quality of the shots was impeccable. However, we could have done a better job with the organization of the video, putting the ending of when Sasha is getting dressed at the beginning instead of at the end. Lastly, the audio needs to be fixed, unfortunately, we did everything we could to fix it, yet we couldn't. In the end, I'm proud of these pieces and I hope in makes a change in those who watch it.  

Sunday, December 11, 2022



So we left on filming day 1, the next day in class we started talking and we realized we needed to include another girl in the documentary so it wasn’t all about Sasha and there was another point of view of another girl on there. Sadly, where we filmed the interviews that day before which was a classroom they made the girl's Locker room so there were multiple girls in there getting ready for the game so we couldn’t film and when we were about to film, it was time for Sasha and her teammate to get ready for game day. Therefore, Sasha was the one who had to film the interview after the game. We go through even more footage of the game, and let me tell you these shots were my favorite ones.


 We focused more on the other girl since we already had many shots of Sasha but, we still filmed Sasha during the game because more b-roll hurt no one, especially in a documentary. 

That was it for the filming, in just those two days we got over 1,000 shots, now it was time to edit, and let me tell you we ran into some issues.




Okay so editing time, Ana and I didn’t edit the documentary Sasha did so I can't take the credit but we helped her by helping her organize the shots and helping her with whatever she needed. Now, remember when I told you we ran into some problems with Noah’s interview? Right, so this is where the problem really shows because we had to up the volume on the video but when we did and exported it the sound was terrible like terrible Sasha did everything to fix it and we did everything to help her but in the end, we couldn’t really do anything.

This part of any production is the most difficult one and the most time-consuming, it took Sasha three days to edit this documentary and even more because the sound was damaged. We had to turn it in in the end, but I liked how it turned out and I’m proud of the finished product, I had the best time doing this documentary.




As you know, in the post before I talked about all the planning that we went through for our documentary project, and I promised to tell you about the production process in this post so I am. We went to the game early so we could film all the interviews, the first interview we did was Sasha’s, and everything went perfectly, we had the perfect background with the perfect controlled environment, so the quality of the Lund was good because we didn’t have any microphones. Here is some footage we got of Sasha...

After filming her interview with her friend Noah came to do him and we ran into some problems with this one. We started filming it in the same place we filmed Sasha’s, but we got kicked out by a worker, so we had to change location to a blander one. Where we filmed his interview, there was echo but we couldn’t film anywhere else because the environment wasn’t as controlled and there was too much noise, but we made it work, nonetheless 


Later we filmed the interview with the coach, and he had some interesting things to say to we started recording right away even though it wasn’t part of the plan, but it was such a natural organic moment that we had to film it just in case. here is the interview that we really liked because of how real it was. 


Then the game was about to start and we filmed team interactions with Sasha and the game. Let me tell you filming a hockey game is difficult but thanks to the tripod the shots ended up being spectacular and my phone’s cinematic setting. Let me show you some shots.


That was it for filming day 1!! The next day we went to another game and got even more footage and I will tell you in the next post, stay tuned…


Thursday, December 8, 2022

We are back!!

Were back!! But this time it is a new chapter and a much harder class and I could be happier. 

Our assignment was to make a 5-10min documentary about anything we wanted. Naturally the first step you take is to brainstorm so that is exactly what me and my group did, after much brainstorming we decided to do it on girls playing sports that is mainly dominated by boys and them being the only girl on the team, like breaking that barrier of stereotypes. After we came up with our topic we got working on our pre-planning where we described what he hope to achieve by this documentary what is our initial goal. After that we came up with 20 different types of shots we could film and then we did an outline so when it is time to we are organized and it makes the process easier.


This is what our outline looked it an our documentary pre-planning as well. 


After planning,we had to think of our documentary questions and we had to come up with questions that would get us the most information out of the interviewee without the questions being hard to understand. This was the task that mattered the most of the importance it had on the documentary. Lastly, we had to make a schedule to see when we could film and when the team had games or practice, luckily this part of the planning process was easy because the team had the games really soon. 


Im sure you can guess what we did next but I will tell you all about it in the next post! STAY TUNED!!


 Well thank you for accompanying me in this long process, I loved sharing my progress with you and hope to see you soon! I hope you like our...