Saturday, February 18, 2023


 As i said on the last post today is all about more research but this time I am researching short films that have to do with sports and everything that comes with it. The topic of sports is as broad as the beauty standard topic. From becoming obsessed with being the best to the point where it affects you mentally and physically to having no motivation to do the sport you love because of different reasons. 

The first short film i watched is called “Game Night” by Joel Fendelman and it won many film festival awards. The short film itself was very heartfelt and you could feel all the emotions as you watch it which is the goal for this project, we want people to watch it and feel a certain way. The story is that a taxi driver falls upon a football team and it  brings past memories of when he played football. The shots and techniques used were absolutely phenomenal I would love to incorporate and used these shots as inspiration for our short film if we decided to do a sports short film. 

This is a screen recording of my favorite part of the short film because in my opinion it caught the raw emotion of missing the sport you did as a kid but can’t do it anymore because of the age and physique and although this is not really the route we would go if we do a sports short film, catching the raw emotion of it all would be the ideal situation for our project and i think we can use the technique they use of fast cuts to demonstrate it as well. 

Another short film that I watched is called “LIGA” by Toby’s sports and they took a different route that I hadn’t think of when it comes to sports. Their short film was about a guy on a basketball team who has a lot of talent but since there is someone better than him he is in the shadows like the coach wont see his potential and hardwork until the best player gets hurt and the coach finally sees him but in the end the real message is that it doesn’t matter who scores it is playing as a team that matters. Personally, our ideas for the sport short film were a little different but in a way kind of the same. Like our ideas for the sport short film were mostly about pressure and how you can lose the love for the sport and I think this short film has a little bit of both because the main character was working so hard to be noticed and have his chance but that moment could have never happened which would have made him lose interest in the sport and when he finally got his chance he felt the pressure to do good so he wouldn’t mess it up so we could use this as inspiration on a different side of sports. What I really liked and i thought we could implement in our short film is the fact that even through it was about a team it focused on the main character and it had voiceover for when he was thinking and how he was feeling and i thought that was really nice because it gave us the chance to see how he was dealing with everything mentally that is a big thing in sports but incredibly hard to show and understand. 

The last one I checked out was called good sport and something i really liked the shots they used to show each sport that the kid played. For example, when the kid tried basketball they used a low angle to show the ball not going in. Like that and i thought that was really nice. I also liked the pacing of the film as well i thought it moved nice and all the jump cuts made the film incredibly nice. Lastly, this one is another one that shows a different side of sports because the kid tried every sport but the last one he tried was the one he loved which means that it takes time to find the sport you love. 

He loved dance and the shots they used at the end were spectacular and i think we could use them for our short film as well. 

These are what I’m talking about, the shots do such a good job showing how happy he is where he is and dancing. In addition, i loved how he is still the main focus and you can still see that he is the main character. 

Well that is enough about sport short films, in the next blog we will talk a little about genre :))

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 Well thank you for accompanying me in this long process, I loved sharing my progress with you and hope to see you soon! I hope you like our...